• Crimson Ribbon: Summer Rain

    Crimson Ribbon: Summer Rain

    It is said that ‘Royal Blood’ is a curse. For no matter your actions, or your dreams, no matter what you do... The moment you are born, your fate is sealed. Conflict will come to you, bringing a wave of crimson in its wake... Such is the fate of those of the Olden Blood. The question now becomes: when conflict comes find you... What kind of person will you become? On the 18th of June, year 1500. in Italy, two brothers reunite. But their reunion won\'t be a peaceful one... Crimson Ribbon is an amateur manga that tells the tale of the Bulsara family and more specifically of Sov Bulsara, one of the many Bleeders possessing this unexplained power. A tale about how the past can shape you, how you can grow from it, CR aims to provide an enjoyable reading experience despite its shortness. My first manga project, I hope you will find in this story something meaningful to you. ———————————————————————————————— Author Twitter at: (@RedbowCR)

    Genre(s): Action, Psychological, Ghosts, Romance, Survival, Martial Arts, User created, Drama, Horror, Fantasy, Villainess, Vampires, Web comic, Supernatural, Tragedy

    Updated Time: Jun 28, 2023

  • Crimson Ribbon: Smoke Rain

    Crimson Ribbon: Smoke Rain

    It is said that being a “Royal Blood” carrier is a curse that sets you up for conflict. Some see it as an opportunity to change the World around them to fit their ideals. Others use it to protect those they love. Some may even wish to hide their nature altogether. One thing is for sure: these carriers will always wind up in extraordinary situations, the results, however, are purely up to the heart of the individual. The Royal Blood is a supernatural mutation of one’s blood that is somehow able to grant its carrier, referred to as a “Bleeder”, a power that is unique to them, called a “Royal”. The carriers are so since birth but their powers may initially manifest in varying points of their lives. Crimson Ribbon is an amateur manga that tells the tale of members of the Bulsara bloodline, one of the many possessing this unexplained power, and the countless scenarios that end up playing key roles in the developments of their lives. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Smoke Rain is set in Italy in the early 1500’s, during the Renaissance era: an era that some may even say plays a key role in the cultural development of humanity as a whole thanks to figures such as Leonardo Da Vinci. The time period, however, hides a dark side of conflict as a French faction called “Genimura” covets to take control of Italy and, subsequently, Europe through force and manipulation in order to instate an environment where Royal Blood carriers are made to rule on the basis of being “above humanity”, while non-carriers are to lead a life of servitude. They are led by a noble, one Joanne, who is otherwise referred to as “Crimson”, hellbent on the realization of her ideals. To oppose her another group is born: “Fumosaki”, who believe that Bleeders are more than just “weapons” and that their powers make them no less human. One of its key members is Sov Bulsara, father of the very young Nicko and Rosso, who after a five years long absence returns home, to his brother Mario’s disbelief. Though a troubled reunion, the brothers agree to aid each other in the realizations of their goals. However, the conflict with Genimura proves much too difficult and the effects are felt all the way to 15 years later, having a decisive impact on Rosso, Nicko and their friend Mia and cutting off their hopes to lead a comfortable life as their blood forces them to take action. With their fates on the line, Smoke Rain follows them on their journey of growth, accompanied by other characters, as they go through multiple events that might not only be important to their own stories but to the conflict between Genimura and Fumosaki as a whole. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A series inspired by shounens of the past, Crimson Ribbon hopes to pay homage while also entertaining its readers.


    Updated Time: Mar 23, 2024

  • Devious Miss Crimson

    Devious Miss Crimson

    Upon a kingdom ravaged by war, descended a Dragon promising triumph and life eternal - a proposal accepted, a proposal respected, but one that would come at a severe price for the inhabitants. Now the kingdom is in ruins. How come? It\'s for amnesiacs \'Missy\' and Jess to find out. ______________ Devious Miss Crimson is a short story by RedbowCR (Crimson Ribbon: Summer Rain) aiming to provide a concise but complete narrative for the reader. My second ever manga made as I gear up to tackle my next projects, I hope you will enjoy what this fun little story can provide to you, let\'s look forward to the future.

    Genre(s): Oneshot, Official colored, Monsters, Action, Survival, Zombies, Adventure, Self-Published, Drama, Horror, Fantasy, Vampires, Monster girls, Supernatural, Mystery

    Updated Time: May 30, 2024